You’d get over envy after seeing this.. Skip to main content

You’d get over envy after seeing this..

  For the past few days,I’ve reviewed your comments and I’ve also pondered on how possible it is to totally get rid of whatever jealousy/envy in our daily life.


...I found some useful bits and tips of advice that could serve as help.
      As I had earlier said in my last post (go check it out if you haven't), I defined envy as thinking low and unsuccessful of yourself.Jealousy,as I wrote previously,is a three-man affair that could lead to a do or die matter. In the real sense,these words can be defined in diverse ways.I discovered that in my conducted researches,a lot of individuals had different views about them and also different solutions too.
       I sat down to ask myself,
"Why can't we be in one accord and appreciate our individual gifts?".

     I have come to realise that it is because we feel do not have all it takes to move on with life.We really all need to know this "NO ONE IS PERFECT". One single person can not have all the good qualities of life,everyone is just trying to develop their weaknesses.Life has never,and it CAN NEVER be fair to any human being.It wasn't even fair to the Son of Man(Jesus Christ) so who are you to receive ‘the nicest treatment’? 😏. We could possibly avoid envy and jealousy by embracing our strengths and improving on our weaknesses.
      LIVE YOUR LIFE ABOVE ALL ODDS.When you start thinking of the mishaps going on in your life,you lose balance,become devastated and consequently you start wishing you were someone else.Thinking that way could just prop up the envy & jealousy bar in your heart which makes you to start devising evil thoughts in yourself.We really don't need to give ourselves unnecessary headaches over what's not worth our time.


     A great philosopher once said" Jealousy involves the wish to keep what one has" and "Envy is the wish to get what one does not have". I want you all to realise that every freaking second you spend wishing you had someone else's life is a second spent in wasting yours.What we all sincerely need is to get rid of hate,envy,jealousy,discord within ourselves in order to attain a peaceful and happy ending.

     Another tip is not to look down on yourself,ALWAYS! ALWAYS!! ALWAYS!!! BE CONFIDENT. True confidence has no space for jealousy and envy. When you know you're great, you really have no reason to hate. You become very beautiful physically and at heart when you decide to be yourself and stop thinking about irrelevancies. Drop jealousy and envy,they make you look ugly and can never take you far.Be kind,loving,accepting and most of all,be happy just the way you are.

     With some spiritual backing from the scriptures," For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition,there you shall find disorder and evil of every kind" (James 3:16),"Let not thine heart envy sinners but fear the LORD all day long "(Proverbs 23:17).In order to ward off jealousy and envy, you can also read this verse that says" A tranquil heart gives LIFE TO THE FLESH,but ENVY MAKES THE BONES"(Proverbs 14:30).
     Last tip is to:


    A friend that suddenly turned enemy has been hating you since day one. Only jealous friends tell lies to ruin your relationships and tear them apart. DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR,make your own private investigations about whatever you're not sure of. And most importantly; Love and value yourselves.

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Quote of the moment:
Remember to keep spreading the love,you 
really are worth more than you can ever imagine 


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