How to:Plan your day(weekly planner) Skip to main content

How to:Plan your day(weekly planner)

Everyday we go about our lives and just live it,most of us really don’t have a set plan for it. This is a major factor in determining successful endings,not having an already set planned day makes all your activities clogged up and unfavourable which doesn't always end well.
Before you start your day,in order to avoid miscellaneous and unnecessary stuffs coming up,there is a serious need to plan your day ahead.I,myself,just started doing this and ever since I started,I tell you…that my life has become a lot more easier and feasible.I am able to plan my day’s work ahead and sort each and everyone out correctly.So,I thought you too would find this post very helpful since these are the ways that worked for me and gave me the necessary determination to start.


This is necessary to jot down your different activities to do,places to go,people to see and times for all these activities. State all these activities in accordance with the times so as not to exceed the expected duration for them.E.g. Time to go for a little snack break(10am-10:30am) not waste unnecessary time during this period for any other irrelevant activities,just do what you have to do quickly so you won't have to start adjusting times for your other purposeful chores/jobs.

You may also want to get a calendar to mark your different dates and very important events that you need to attend to. Place the calendar in a very noticeable place like the wall in front of your bed post which you'll see every time you wake upobviously.
Photocredit:simonly today

      When you are using a reminder on your mobile device,always set dates and times for different places,times,activities and where to be at different times.Keep to this,you may not be consistent for the first two to three times but gradually,you'll start to get there.

     An important part of this process is never to go back on your set plans. Anything not included in your days plan should otherwise not need to come up except it is an impromptu.

     At intervals during the day,you can tick off the activities already completed,this is so for easier sorting out and efficient planning. This also gives you a sort of fulfillment a feeling of achievement you know,I feel it anyways😊.

     At the end of the day,don't forget to pray and plan for another day as planning makes everything work out faster and so much easier. Get on this scheme guys,you'll never regret it.
       I hope it inspires you to start planning if you haven't,I hope it aids in your consistency if you normally would plan your day,and I wish you all well😊.


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