Why is everyone so bent on self-destruction?? Skip to main content

Why is everyone so bent on self-destruction??

You really do find it hard to do the right thing sometimes,don’t you? Sigh...it’s not only you,my friend. 

...The right type of audience and your own mindset is key...’

     In the real sense,It actually doesn’t cost you a thing,nothing,to do the right thing and better yourself.You really just have to get the right type of audience and develop the right mindset and trust me,you sure would have your cake right in the bag.Whatever people(I mean the right ones,don’t blame me....there are the wrong ones too. I bet you know that already) are telling you,be it your friends,family,work partners or even schoolmates; may just be the missing ingredient in your life. Don’t always think everyone is out there to seek your downfall or whatever you may term it. Some people are actually out there to help guide you and lead you to the right turning .
     This is where a lot of us have missed it in this world and trust me,some people may never find their right ways till their very end. Those things those set of people mentioned above say to you may seem unpleasant,irritating and even annoying to the ear but it’s the real truth. The truth is bitter they say,but it’s also rewarding when put into correct reasoning and pondering . Mindset is key in everything,my friend.

PS:find my post talking about mindset here

    Let’s come back after you must have  gone through that.So,as I was saying,you can either be the maker or breaker of your problems. I actually know and have even witnessed people that claim they want to ‘advise’ you and they end up just criticising you or even mocking you,I mean,it’s as serious as that for some people. People seriously have issues,I tell you. 
     What you may be thinking now is’..how do I know the right type of audience that suit my path in life? Or the kind of people that I should even listen to! Not to worry,I got you right there. If a person walks up to you to talk to you or to have a conversation with you,and comes off too sharp on his/her words;I tell you,do not give your full energy to whatever they’re saying.Hold on,I’d tell you why,this is cos anyone who wants to see your best side would always come in a soothing manner,a manner that’s pleasing. You’d even have a feeling in you to indicate that ‘this is the one I should listen to’.Hey Hey,I hope we’re still on track though...alright!!
       Although,in some cases,some of our close friends;or even our parents may kinda sound too harsh when they are trying to speak some sense into our heads,this happens to me a lot of times cos I tend to be stubborn sometimes,x!!So,the whole point is,you gotta filter the kind of people that you let into your head ;and note that there is always a specific way for each person to do that. God is just so great,isn’t he?
     Even the word of God talks about obedience and it is well explained in the book of Proverbs that ‘...a wise man listens and obeys that which is right...’. This is so to avoid destruction,but the foolish ones do the opposite of this and cause destruction for themselves.
And also,give yourself a break! You really need that.
      I hope I have really been able to explain my subject head in full details,You can always reach me for more on my contact page; and you could scroll down the screen to fill a direct message form. Or you can also easily just put out a comment for everyone to see,reflect, drop their individual views on it and to also learn from you.

      ...Most importantly and above all,we’re here for all of us;don’t think on it for too long,help yourself to a good pal...


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