99% of a fully complete 100% day,I’m not feeling enough. Either to someone,in a group of people.......even social media,makes me feel not enough at times. I know that there are a lot of people like me,probably seeing this right now or not,not feeling good enough,not feeling accepted,not feeling loved like they should be...honestly,there are people out there battling with this but look here,friend,you must know that “...no one can define you but you...” A university graduate(out of school for about 3 years now)goes out of his house on a beautiful,sunny Saturday morning,trekking in the hot sun. As he keeps walking down the street,he hears the incessant sound of a car horn. The non-stop sound of the horn was to holla at him,the car then came to a halt in front of him . As he stepped forward to see who it was,lo and behold;it was his University classmate! “ ...I hope y’all a...