How to Cook NIGERIAN PARTY JOLLOF RICE - Jollof Rice Recipe with how-to Video Included! Skip to main content

How to Cook NIGERIAN PARTY JOLLOF RICE - Jollof Rice Recipe with how-to Video Included!

Hey, loved one. In this blog post, I will be briefly showing you how to cook the famous NIGERIAN JOLLOF RICE, using CHARCOAL and FIREWOOD.

I would also be taking you along with me to my sister’s pre-birthday outreach and our visit to the Orphanage. So, if you'd find that all interesting, please come along with me 😁.


  • Rice - I'd be making 30 cups of rice in this post.
  • Water /Beef Stock - as you wish
  • Tomato Paste - 12 sachets of Gino tomato paste
  • Pepper Mix - a quarter of a basket of Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Onions, Scotch bonnet peppers. 
  • Onions - 4 big onions.
  • Seasoning Cubes, Curry, Thyme, Salt - to taste.
P.S: All seasonings should also be added to taste, and not in excess,
your jollof doesn’t need a massive amount of seasoning and salt to be tasty,
(love your liver, lol)

Secrets to the Perfect Jollof Rice Recipe!
  1. It is the steam of the rice that cooks the rice. When cooking jollof rice, please do not light up your gas too high, just leave it under medium to low heat, not high heat. The water added to the rice should not also be in excess, I highly recommend that the water level be just above the rice (just above it).
  2. The rice to be used should be washed properly and several times, until the water used in washing turns clear. This is to ensure that the excess starch in the rice is washed off. When the rice to be used is not washed properly, the excess starch present causes the rice to become 'mashy' when finally cooked. I'm very sure you don't want that. 
  3. Sautee the onions in hot oil, that is, fry them in hot oil, before starting any cooking. This would give your jollof the flavour it needs, and trust me - this step - takes your jollof rice to the next level!  
  4. Give your spices and ingredients time to sizzle and blend in with the jollof rice sauce. When adding any new spice/ingredient into your jollof rice mix, make sure you stir and give it enough time to blend in with your mixture. This would ensure all your flavours are being preserved and kept in your jollof rice.
  5. Fry your tomato paste for a reasonable amount of time (don't go frying it till it's burnt though), just fry it for about 3 minutes to ensure that the raw taste of the tomato paste disappears. It would keep your jollof rice from tasting like raw tomato juice, lol.
Now that you've seen the jollof rice myths, let's cook together 👇. To see the process, please watch the video down below:

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