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Showing posts from November, 2018

Why is everyone so bent on self-destruction??

You really do find it hard to do the right thing sometimes,don’t you?’s not only you,my friend.  ‘ ...The right type of audience and your own mindset is key...’      In the real sense,It actually doesn’t cost you a thing,nothing,to do the right thing and better yourself.You really just have to get the right type of audience and develop the right mindset and trust me,you sure would have your cake right in the bag.Whatever people(I mean the right ones,don’t blame me....there are the wrong ones too. I bet you know that already) are telling you,be it your friends,family,work partners or even schoolmates; may just be the missing ingredient in your life. Don’t always think everyone is out there to seek your downfall or whatever you may term it. Some people are actually out there to help guide you and lead you to the right turning .      This is where a lot of us have missed it in this world and trust me,some people may never find the...

What I think about being Independent

       For a lot of people,independence may mean of lot of things. Like,some people feel it’s freedom from school-work,from parental hustle and orderings,from maybe your friends, or even from your spouse. But all these highlights surmount to one thing in my head, what?? You may think.      ... independence is the freedom from one’s default mindset .  Personally,that is what I feel about this subject matter in discussion.      Actually,a lot of people have different thinkings. We cannot all think in the same direction,cos that’d actually be weird. Without diverse thinkings in this world,we’d actually all be gone. But back to the subject,our thinkings actually affect the way see things. For example,let’s look into the case of a teenage boy. He gets home from a long day at school just for his parents to order him around..’go do this! Go do that!!..’ the stress of school combined with these extra hurdles at home mak...

4 Simple Steps to being the Best at Anything

     A lot of us just keep looking down on ourselves and I dunno why. It’s really crazy the way this is going in the world today,a lot of people have just been let down;dreams shattered ;hopes let down just cos they think they are less than someone else. Let me just tell you something,there’s no one..I repeat no one can ever beat you in this world,no one can compare to your best version. I know there are a lot of times when we may feel shitty about ourselves but never let that phase get the best outta you.     So,I have been lazy to even bullet some points...I just think it and write it at that same point,God save my soul. I already thought some points down so imma just give you now: 1. Look GOOD: Your outer appearance has a lot lot lot to do with the way you look at yourself. Have you ever noticed that whenever you look damn good and take a peek at yourself in the mirror,you always feel that extra topping of confidence. I dunno if you’re following m...

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